A Message From The LMC Global President
Dear Reader and Friend,
We are glad you found us today, and we welcome you to surf our website for more information.
I am the President of Liberation Mission For Christ; we are an Apostolic Movement, Holy Priesthood, Disciple Makers, and Prayerforce Movement. We’re sent by God with a God-given vision and mission to accomplish.
Our purpose and vision are very clear:
We are determined to reach every available person, at every available time, with every available means, with the life-changing gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our focus is to reach out to our communities and nations and mobilize the body of Christ to action, causing everyone to find their place in the body and causing everyone to find and faithfully fulfills their destiny for the glory of God. We believe in raising up the leaders of the next generation and training indigenous people and nationals to reach their own communities and nations, giving the people a life-changing message of God’s love that can turn them back to God as their creator and savior. Our message has the power to move them from darkness to light, from sin to knowledge of the savoir, and from Satan to Jesus Christ, the Lord Our God.
We do train and send missionaries into the communities of nations to help train church leaders, businessmen, and women, making disciples leaders to plant local churches, start small businesses, and teach them how to fish for self-government, self-propaganda, and self-support.
We believe in the Five Fold Ministry working together to perfect the saints, for the work of the ministry and edification of the body of Christ according to Ephesians 4:11-12. Liberation Mission For Christ seek the continuation of the unfinished task in the book of Acts of Apostles and functions much the same as you see the church function in Acts. If you are interested in our ministry and want to partner with us, please kindly contact us. We will be glad to meet with you to advance the business of the kingdom of Christ. If you sense that you have the same spirit as Liberation Mission For Christ we would like to hear from you.
The Spirit of LMC Global is the spirit of Humility and Simplicity, Obedience and Faithfulness, Prayer and Hard work.
We bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Rev Ed Arcton
LMC Global President