Liberation Mission For Christ

Connect with LMC Global

LMC Global Ministries unique calling is to provide a strategic connection for mission leaders, global missions, and evangelism. We therefore seek to facilitate gatherings and establish collaborative networks of mission-minded leaders from all parts of the world.

We are a volunteer-driven outreach movement with minimal infrastructure; LMC Global has no formal membership structure. If you would like to become involved, there are a variety of ways to connect. The extent to which you get connected will largely depend on your own initiative. Wherever you’re located in the world, we’re welcome.

Connect with LMC Global Leaders

Connect with LMC Global Leadership and become a global leader in your area, community, region, and nation. Contact us for more information.

Good Connection

Come Along With Us

LMC: Global Prayerforce Movement.

Operation World Prayer

Operation World Prayerforce

Prayer for Global Missions

As we seek to facilitate gatherings and establish collaborative networks of praying people for the church and global evangelism, we encourage you to pray for global missions today. Start a mission-minded prayerforce for global missions and evangelism in your area, your church, or home today. It’s our dream to turn every Christian home into prayerforce for the nations of the earth.  Pray for world missions and evangelism. A free weekly prayer guide to inspire and motivate you to pray for global missionary outreach is here to help you. Click the link: Operation World Prayerforce

LMC Global Mission Movement

LMC Global Missions

The LMC Global connects evangelical leaders and Christian laborers for global mission, with a vision of the gospel for every person, a local church for every people group, Christ-like leaders for every church, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society in all nations. Learn about us, our beginnings, ongoing connections, and mission today. Learn More

Receive LMC Global missional content directly in your inbox.
LMC Global Newsletter: Subscribe

LMC Global Newsletter: Subscribe

One of the best ways to get familiar with LMC Global is to engage with our content. News and Stories: Updates from Global Leaders from the LMC Global Movement We also encourage you to browse our website for missional content in the form of videos, articles, and other missional resources that are helpful, informative, and educational for revival.  

Connect with LMC Global on social media and participate in the conversation.
Getting Started with Social Media

Getting Started with Social Media

Connect globally on a number of major social media platforms:

Additionally, you can connect through the comment sections on the LMC Global website.

Become a financial partner in the movement.
LMC Global Donates

Donate to LMC Missions

If it were not for volunteers who give their influence, excellence, energy, and countless hours to LMC Global, we would not be where we are today, and our budget would have suffered many setbacks. Therefore, every dollar is stewarded with utmost care, a responsibility that is vital to the sustainability of the LMC Reach Out Global  

We are thankful for our financial partners, who make the LMC Global Movement possible with their generous and prayerful contributions. Learn more about making a financial donation to support LMC Global and consider partnering with us. Give Online