Pastors and Church Leaders Training
Training, mentoring, and leadership development are key elements of Liberation Missions for Christ and are offered at a local and global level in variety of ways.
The Bible consistently demonstrates the importance of handing on the baton, not only in terms of knowledge but also in terms of integrity, love, and experience. LMC’s various programs aim to encourage people, especially leaders, to think critically about kingdom ministry and to have the courage, wisdom, and skills to look beyond the present and into the future, making appropriate changes to ministries as the context changes for young people to impart many lives. We aim to raise a generation of young leaders to make a difference in the world for the advancement and progression of Christ’s rule and lordship over the nations of the earth. The focus of our leadership development, whether for national leaders, local pastors and missionaries, field ministry specialists, or young leaders, is on developing a committed labor force, staff, and volunteers who share a clear vision, mission, and consistent biblical values of love and compassion, integrity and justice, and concern for those who have little experience of the love of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit is working with us to raise leaders among many local churches and movements around the world. This has led to a renewed emphasis on providing opportunities for LMC Global leaders must meet together to learn from one another, share resources and strategies, create collaborative tools for ministry, and strengthen partnerships with others in kingdom ministry for God’s glory and His purpose.
95% of Pastors are Untrained
Did you know that only 5% of all pastoral leaders presently in ministry have received training? This means that as many as 2 million pastors around the world are ministering without the training, skills, and relationships necessary to flourish in sustained ministry. Ramesh Richard emphasizes the pressing need for “building a global pipeline to care for pastors, for ultimately, pastoral health is tied to church health. By caring for and supporting our pastors, we are helping to usher in the kingdom worldwide.
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We are here to help you and your church or organization identify, develop, and send out revival leaders to advance the work of God inside the local church and in the communities we live in today.
Let’s work together for Christ’s kingdom’s advancement while it’s still daylight today. For more information, Chick here.
CTM will equip you to be effective in your area of calling! We offer pastoral training for local church leaders and missionary workers.
College of Theology & Missions
Are you called into full-time ministry? Do you need biblical training to be effective in your field of service? Kindly click the link below