We welcome you to LMC Global Ministries. It’s a missionary movement founded on the knees of prayer, the exposition of the Living Word of God, and building dynamic relationships with Jesus Christ.
We’re reaching and touching the nations through the impartation of the Word of God, prayerforce movement, discipleship, and leadership, targeting the unreached people groups in our communities and focusing on the family under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Scriptures.

Vision Statement
- To Build Bible-centered relationships that Bring People to Dynamic Life in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of Mankind
- To build local churches that make disciples who make disciples for Christ in all nations.
Mission Statement
- We live to exalt Jesus Christ. Become obedient to His word and equip every believer for the work of ministry.
- We work with our gifts to impart many lives and transform communities with God’s love, God’s word and God’s grace.
Our mission statement can be summed up in one word: REACH
Reach Up: Loving God
Vertical: We reach up to touch God through worship, praise, and prayer.
Reach In: Serving each Other
Horizontal: We reach out to bless others—we serve God by loving and serving each other.
Reach Out: Changing the World
Outward: Our goal is to change the world through the gospel. Changing lives and transforming communities with God’s love, God’s word and God’s grace! Jesus commanded us to go into the entire world with the good news, and make disciples.
LMC Global Focus: Personal Relationship with God
We are building Bible-centered relationships that bring people to dynamic life in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior.
We are made for relationships. Loneliness was the first thing God said was not good. We are made for a relationship with God and for relationships with people. Building relationships is the key to finding and fulfilling God’s purpose for life. It is the key step in building a bridge to reach those on the outside so that they can experience a dynamic life in Christ.
By building healthy relationships with God and others, we take the first step toward fulfilling our mission. Bringing people to the full knowledge of the truth through reconciliation and fellowship with the Son of God, who gave his life for all who believe in Him.
Come and see for yourself! That was Philip’s invitation to his friend Nathanael in John 1:45–46. That simple invitation resulted in a change of life. Come and hear for yourself; come and see for yourself; come and experience for yourself. Is there anything more powerful than a simple invitation? The Lord Jesus is waiting to welcome whomever comes to Him.
Our mission premises, our home, and our church premises are places where people can come and see for themselves. They can witness a loving community of children of God. They can hear the truth in a clear way. They can experience the power of the truth. It can happen if we bring them to the feet of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Deep down, it is what we all crave: real life. We are made for a life of purpose, fulfillment, meaning, and joy. Jesus alone can give us real, dynamic, and abundant life.
It can happen when ordinary people build relationships and bring people to the saving knowledge of Christ, our Lord and Savior. It happens when people like you and me hear the good news and discover the reality of God for themselves. It can happen when ordinary people begin to learn and grow in grace and knowledge of God’s word. It happens when meaningful relationships are formed and people learn how to walk and talk to God, listen to God, and walk in obedience to God. With Jesus, we build life’s most important relationship: our relationship with God. Jesus came so that we, and everyone else, could know and experience dynamic life in Him. This is our LIFE VISION.
The word dynamic represents seven life-long principles that help us grow in our faith and discover the dynamic life that God has for us. Dynamic stands for:
D: “Delight in God’s truth”
Y: “Yield your time to God.”
N: “Nurture an authentic community.”
A: “Actively serve others.”
M: “Magnify God with passion.”
I: “Invest in God’s kingdom.”
C: “Contagiously influence others.”
Our Partners, Friends and Network