For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45)
Be a volunteer and make a difference in your world today. God is calling!
Let’s Go: Impart Your World
Live at the intersection of your passion and God’s heart.
God has given you passions and skills; use them to help transform the world in Jesus’ name. Be part of something bigger than yourself; don’t settle for the personal dream. Make your life count. Live purposefully and generously. Give of yourself by helping others meet their physical and spiritual needs. You have the passion and the skills, but where do these intersect with God’s heart for global missions?
Just like you, we want to make a difference in the world. We don’t want to settle for less than God’s best. Let’s embrace this journey together and help you find that place where your passion intersects with God’s heart.
Let’s journey together!
We recognize that your passion is more than just the things you want to do; you desire to be a part of God’s mission for redemption. Let us help you find the right opportunity.

Let’s Talk: Opportunity Available here:
Short-term Mission Trips
Missions, Local and International
Step outside your comfort zone for 1-2 weeks and encounter God’s heart with a team of individuals who have a passion for serving in cross-cultural ministry.
Mid-term Mission Trip
Explore your passion for missions by serving as a learner for 1–12 months. Engage with God’s heart to see and participate in what He is doing among the nations.
Long-term Missions Trip
LMC Global Missions: Life-Changing
Put down roots for two or more years, live out your passion for mission, and build strong relationships to transform lives and communities for Christ.
LMC Global: Get Involved with us here

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